Title: The Wolf's Bounty
Series: Hinterland #1
Author: K.T. Harding
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Raleigh Douglas always considered herself just another farm girl from the country. She gets the shock of her life when she wins a prestigious position apprenticed to the greatest slayer/hunter in the country. The famous Knox Bishop isn’t glad to see her, though. He wasn’t expecting a woman, and he doesn’t think she can survive the week working for him. These two alpha personalities butt heads from their very first meeting, and Bishop won’t believe Raleigh can hunt with the best of them.
Raleigh sets out to prove him and everybody else wrong, but danger and mystery lurk around every corner. Before she knows it, Raleigh finds herself swept into an unknown world of power and danger. A mystical world of fantastic possibilities lies beyond the veil of her humdrum past. Unknown forces pull hidden strings behind the scenes to thwart her every move. Can she and Bishop find a way to work together before evil swallows Hinterland in darkness?
*At the end of the The Wolf's Bounty there is a link to a free copy of the full-length fantasy shifter romance Northern Kingdom 2: The Journey of Fallen Kings
The worlds I create have been described as "bizarre", "a rabbit hole of fantasy and adventure", and "uniquely unconventional".
If you are open to steamy new Shifter experiences, dive right in! :)
My favorite childhood books were "Goosebumps" by R.L. Stine. My favorite adulthood books are "Interview with the Vampire" and "The Wolf Gift" by Anne Rice.
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