Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Cover Reveal | A Beautiful Nightmare - Shana Vanterpool | #CoverReveal #RomanticSuspense #TBR @givemebooksblog @shanavauthor

Title: A Beautiful Nightmare
Author: Shana Vanterpool
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: 15 November 2016


In chess, the king is the most important piece. But the queen is the most powerful. Sometimes to win, she is sacrificed. 

Lies melt, and this queen has plenty. She should have seen him coming, she should have known. He took her long before these walls let her know. He won’t let her go. Won’t listen to reason. For a love that doesn’t exist, or has her heart committed treason? Lust won’t be ignored, doesn’t care for these wall of lies. And for every one she’s ever told, she’s always had another in mind. But he is truth—he is king. And the longer he is all she sees … and tastes … she can’t help but think, some nightmares are beautiful, and some are dreams. 

In this dark and thrilling romance, the lines of lust and truth are blurred. Life seemingly ends the moment 27-year-old Kinley Hashawaye awakes to find herself inside of a nightmare. Fear and lies are covered in gold and darkness, and her heart won’t let her be when the truth comes back to haunt her. But perception is everything in this kingdom, and danger exists even in our dreams. 

And this king will stop at nothing to have his queen.

A Beautiful Nightmare is a full-length contemporary dark/suspense romance with no cliffhanger. It is intended for readers 18+ due to mature situations.

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Author Bio

When I walk into a book store I feel at home. When I smell the pages of a brand new book things make sense. When I read I am who I always wanted to be. I read to escape and I write so others can as well. My family, my actress dog Bella, coffee, and a steamy love story are a few of my most precious things. Keep up to date with future releases: 


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