Sunday, 16 June 2013

Review - Fire Inside by Kristen Ashley

Fire Inside by Kristen Ashley

Book 2 in the Chaos series and linked from Motorcycle Man in the Dream Man series

Rating = High Five!!!

This book! This book! WOW is one of the words that sprung from my mouth when my kindle flicked to the end. I abso-freakin-lutely loved this book. Awesome!

I am so loving this series – Chaos – but then something that was spawned from Motorcycle Man (Dream Man series) could have no other effect on me. Everything to do with Tack *heart flutter* would always be a positive for me.

However I must admit that after reading Own the Wind – Shy and Tabby’s story (the first book in this series) I was a little reticent to learn the next book would be Hop and Lanie’s story. Not because I didn't love them (they are Chaos family after all!) but because of what went down with them in Motorcycle Man. Hopper came across as a serial cheater and a player and Lanie as an over the top drama queen. Yes both had been through some series crap but I didn't want to cheer them on – they were kind of a secondary second character (if that makes any sense) and I was wondering how KA would be able to build their story.

Well I should not have had any doubts and I should know by now after all these years of reading KA that she would deliver. 

Lanie has been more or less a recluse for the last seven years – yes she has built up her business, kept close with Ty-Ty her BFF and the Chaos family but she has stayed clear of any man. She cannot give her heart again to any man after the way it was crushed by her fiancé who got himself whacked by the Mob. However Lanie has kept her eye on Hopper Kincaid and when she needs an itch scratching she propositions him at one of the Chaos Hog Roasts with an offer he can't but tries to refuse. 

Hopper can’t believe that this beautifully, classy, rich woman is offering him a one night only, no strings attached, passion fest. One lip touch in his room and all bets were off and the light was ignited. A one night only leads to a fourteen nights pants off! 

However with both Hop and Lanie having deep “issues” it becomes apparent that the love-in would soon have a spanner thrown in the works and the doubts creep in leading to some explosive stand offs. Oh what stand offs they were with the scenes played out really gave me some serious flip floppities, some bad snotfests, and some happy clappy moments. 

The development of themselves and the relationship was a joy to read through. The amazing thing for me was I got to 90% and suddenly realised there was no shootings, stabbings or kidnappings but I seriously, SERIOUSLY did not think the book lacked anything. It was lovely to read a whole book about the relationship without the sub plots. I think the backstory of both provided sufficient drama without anything else being poured into the mix. Well played KA!

Of course we still had some of Lanie’s drama but because here we find out more of her life story it weaves well into the book and I got to love her. As for Hop (‘tache, patch, cut, and ass) he was gorgeously bad ass for me. He is up there with Tack (and for those who know me that is saying some serious praise) and straight to the top of the Lush List! Yes even with knowing how the “cheating with the skank” went down and what really happened all those years ago and what Mitzy did, well it cleared the way for Hopper “Hop” Kincaid to be my Lushness of the year so far.

So do I like this book? No. I LOVE this book and I LOVE this series. A totally high five rating for me.  Babe.


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