Titles: Choosing Happy | Just Stay
Series: More Than Friends Series
Author: Aria Grace
Author: Aria Grace
Available Now
Zach's ex, Steve, is living in Portland with many regrets. He has alienated the people he cares most about by making bad choices that continue to haunt him. When he meets a kid that's in a bad relationship and needs some help, Steve reluctantly offers it, knowing it's his chance to redeem himself. What he doesn't expect is to find happiness. It's there, all he has to do it choose to accept it.
When Spencer agreed to help take down the leader of a Portland crime family, he didn't realize he'd end the night with the bloodied body of an unknowing accomplice in his arms. His initial interest in Dylan was purely physical but when Dylan stepped in front of Topher's gun and saved Spencer, the lust quickly turned into something more. Something he wasn't sure he'd ever find in the fast-paced dot com world he was from.
Interview with Steve from Choosing Happy
Steve, thanks so much for taking the time to meet with us today. I know you’ve got a lot going on right now.
No problem. I’m happy to be here. Rachel is watching the cart so I’m good.
Excellent. So let’s just jump to it. How are things going with you and Joey?
Joey is good. We’ve got to deal with a few demons in his past. But once I get a few things straightened out, I think he’ll be just fine.
And when you say demons, what are you referring to?
He has a debt that he’s been working off, so to speak. But he um, quit that job, so I’m going to take of that debt for him.
You’re just paying off his debt. He’s basically a stranger. Why would you do that for someone you barely know?
When you put it that way, it does sound a little strange. But the truth is, he’s a good kid that just needs a break. I’ve hit rock bottom a few times in my past and it wasn’t until someone held out a hand to me that I was able to get my shit together. Joey isn’t in the same situation I was but I feel like I owe it to him to give him that same chance someone once gave me.
And who was the someone that helped you out?
It doesn’t matter now. He’s gone. Motorcycle accident. The point is, I’ve screwed up a lot of lives in my past. Now I’m at the point where I can start helping people. I dunno. It just feels like what I’m supposed to be doing.
And after his debts are paid, do you see anything more coming from your relationship.
I’m not gonna lie and say I haven’t dreamt about something like that but I’m no fool. Joey has a lot of living to do before he should even think of settling down. It’s a nice idea but totally unrealistic. That’s not why I’m helping him. Although, if he wanted to take my swing for a ride, I wouldn’t say no.
The swing! Is that an important part of your sex life?
Important? No. Part of it? Yes. Most of the guys I bring home are looking for as much of an escape from reality as I am. I don’t use it often, but it’s a fun way to spend an evening. But I wouldn’t even consider it until after his current situation is resolved. That prick DeMonaco might not give him up so easily.
Well, promise us you’ll be careful and keep in touch. Whether Joey stays in your life or not, we want to know what happens with his debt.
Will do. And thanks for sharing my story. Now, I better run. Rachel has to pick up her daughter in an hour and if she’s late, she makes me pay the $5 per minute late fee. Preschools are a total racket these days.
Okay, okay. You get out of here. Just promise not to be a stranger.

She lives with her husband and two children and more pets than she can keep track of. Despite her crazy schedule, she loves the time she carves out to read and write. Whether it's on the beach or on the couch at 2am, she is a woman obsessed!
She loves to hear from readers so please feel free to drop her a note or visit her at www.ariagracebooks.com.
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