Title: Hide & Seek
Series: All Cocks #6
Author: TM Smith
Genre: M/M Romance
Release Date: 2 September 2016
Dusty Anderson left his hometown in Justin, Texas for the Big Apple not long after graduating high school with dreams of becoming an actor. A year later, no closer to realizing his dream but pretty damn close to being broke, he comes across a flyer in a local gay bar that provides a solution to his dilemma. Six years later, Dusty has all but forgotten his dream to be an actor. The family he gained when he went to work at All Cocks and the job itself are enough for him, for now at least.
David Thompson is barely twenty-one, high on life and starting his second year at NYU as an Art student. Now that he is old enough to enjoy the city’s night life, David finds his first crush at a local hot spot in the village, The Monster Bar. Young love is laid to rest though, when David comes out to his mother and older brother with disastrous results.
A tragic incident at the hands of David’s brother changes the course of all of their lives and brings the two together, but is it coincidence or fate? Regardless of unlikely circumstance, Dusty is inexplicably drawn to David, who suddenly finds himself alone in the world. Protective of David from the start, Dusty realizes his extended family at All Cocks and his best friend Kory will not understand this new relationship. Fearing the worst, Dusty plays a dangerous game of hide and seek, risking everything to keep David safe and sheltered.
But hiding can only last for so long, and David and Dusty aren’t the only ones dealing with uncertainties. The Dimir men find that the one thing they’ve longed for might be within reach and Dusty’s father, Dean, arrives in town unexpectedly with secrets of his own. Truths come out and trust is put to the test. Can the All Cocks family find the happiness they deserve?
This is the 6th book in the All Cocks stories series, the series would read best if read in order, but each book can be read as a standalone story.
Exclusive Excerpt
Dusty cleared his throat as he sat back down in the chair. “So, can you tell me what you were dreaming about, D?”
Nodding again, David reached for his water, taking several large gulps to loosen the lump in his throat. With Dusty’s help, he managed to get the bed into a more upright position with a couple of pillows behind him so he was sitting up. “I was dreaming about the day I told my mother and my brother Dale I was gay. They weren’t happy about it.” David snorted out a laugh, but there was no humor in the sound.
“I thought my brother was gonna kill me, but my mom came home and pulled him off me. But she kept saying it was a sin, an abomination, that I couldn’t be gay.” David stared down at his lap, absentmindedly picking at the stitching of the blanket that covered him with the hand that Dusty wasn’t holding. “She called her minister and the three of them sat me down in the kitchen, told me I was mistaken and if I’d just ask God for help I would be okay.”
Finally daring a glance at Dusty, David at least felt validated seeing the same pain he felt remembering that night mirrored in Dusty’s eyes. He reached up, cupping David’s cheek with his hand. “I’m sorry you had to go through that, D. You do know there’s nothing wrong with you, right?” David nodded again, wondering when in the hell he’d lost the ability to talk. There was something about the man sitting next to him caressing his face that completely confused him. He was attentive, kind and genuine, but why?
“I see your wheels turning again, D. I promised you I’d tell you everything eventually, and I meant it. Do you trust me when I say that I’m only looking out for you, what’s best for you?” Dusty eyed him warily, as if he thought David might actually say no.
Almost involuntarily, David closed his eyes, sighing and leaning into the hand that still rested on his cheek. “Yeah, D, I trust you,” he whispered, and he did. There was no rhyme or reason, and Dusty had yet to tell David much of anything but he felt perfectly safe with the guy he was coming to think of as his guardian angel. Regardless of why or how Dusty was there, David wanted—no, needed—him there with him.
Dusty laughed and the sound made David want to smile. “Hey, you call me D instead of David
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The sixth book in the All
Cocks’ series, Hide and Seek is Dusty and David’s story (the double Ds). I
would recommend that all the previous books are read in order as although it
states this can be read as a standalone, I personally don’t believe it can be.
A new reader would just get lost with all the characters and what has happened
to date.
It was through tragedy that brought Dusty and David together
that was at the hand of David’s now deceased brother. The impact on all the men
of the All Cocks’ family was devastating and has needed time to heal, hence why
Dusty has been keeping his relationship with and who David actually is, a
secret. However once they have both established their commitment to each other,
Dusty realises the time has come to reveal all.
There was a lot of soul searching and angst to get through
which I liked but I would have preferred a little more intense build up around
Dusty and David’s relationship. However it was cute and I liked that David was
an innocent with Dusty being the hero swooping in to be his saviour and save
him from a life of being alone now that he had lost his own family.
One thing I did find confusing is that the MCs called each
other ‘D’ so at times I was sat there wondering which ‘D’ was speaking and
which ‘D’ was listening (or was giving and who was taking!) Then along comes
the rest of the family who also all had names beginning with ‘D’! (Dale, Dean, Diane – Oh my! I was all D’d
The action between Adam and Dusty’s father, Dean was a curveball but after reading about them I would have preferred they had their own book –
they were hot! I guess I just like the older men getting their freak on.
Overall it was a good conclusion to the backstory that had
been happening in the series to date and kind of gives a closure to that hurt.
It wasn’t one of my favourite of the series but still an enjoyable addition.
3.5 stars.
Meet The Author
A military brat born and raised at Ft. Benning Georgia, TM Smith is an avid reader, reviewer and writer. A Texas transplant, she now calls DFW her home. Most days she can be found curled up with a good book, or ticking away on her next novel.
Smith is a single mom of three disturbingly outspoken and
decidedly different kids, one of which is Autistic. Besides her writing, she is passionate about Autism advocacy and LGBT rights. Because, seriously people, Love is Love!
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Gay for Pay
An All Cocks story #1
Fame and Fortune
An All Cocks story #2
How to Deal
An All Cocks story #3
Dare to Hope
An All Cocks story #4
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Live for Love
An All Cocks story #5
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An All Cocks story #4
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Live for Love
An All Cocks story #5
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All Cocks box set volume 2
Set to include book 4, 5 and 6
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