Sunday, 28 April 2013

Rock the Band - Michelle A Valentine

Contemporary, Erotic, M/F

Rating = 5 stars

This absorbing novella is really the long epilogue of Rock the Heart – book one in the Black Falcons series. After all the trials and tribulations of a roller-coaster of a romance between Noel Falcon and Lane Vance, we finally get to see the pair without all the angst that went on and now making a future together.

It was great to see this all from Noel’s POV and to understand the depth of his feelings for Lane but also the niggling worry that she still may leave him, especially as Striker; from rival band - Embrace the Darkness, has offered her a job.

Noel takes her away from all the trappings that being on a tour bus brings, to be alone together. Hence he takes her to see his hideaway home in Kentucky. But in the midst of the big love in, Lane takes ill and what a consequence that bout of illness will impact on their future together – in a totally mind blowing good way!

No sooner had they got back to the tour though when Lane needs to go home to take care of her Mom, but it is this time away that brings everything to a head and Noah knows what he needs to do. Oh it was so adorable what happened on the dock. I loved it.

This series has so ingrained itself into my affections that I just cannot get enough. I was so stoked to see that Rock My Bed is up next (I read it straight after) and is about Riff and Aubrey. Riff – hmm I've had my eye on him from book one.

A wonderful catch up with Noah and Lane and I highly recommend this series. I am such a fan girl. Yup! A five star read. 

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