Skybound - Aleksandr Voinov
This clever novella tells the intriguing story of Felix, a mechanic for a squadron of fighter pilots and his deepening attraction to Baldur Vogt, who is one of the said fighter pilots. The story unfolds at the end of World War 2 in 1945 when Baldur takes a few days leave after he is injured and he asks Felix to accompany him. The relationship then builds and the bond that ties them deepens.
I found this story immediately engaging, in that I read it in one sitting without interruption. It was so absorbing and beautifully written. I must admit I have berated in the past about short stories and novellas not being for me as I like to be taken on a long journey with my reads. I will never moan again. Voinov is a master storyteller whether it is on ten pages or a thousand pages; he can deliver what the reader is looking for.
There was no gratuitous sex in this book, neither was it needed as the relationship between Felix and Baldur was cleverly executed. It was sweet and I absolutely adored the scenes at Baldur’s home.
I also loved the atmospheric background details of the traits of war, which made me feel I was there in the thick of it. It was interesting it was told in the first-person and also from a German POV which I had not come across before (yes even in my social and economic history lessons at college!)
I was so enthralled by this book that I went straight on to read again. I’m sure I will continue to go back and read time after time. I thoroughly enjoyed it and cannot recommend it enough. Please go read it, you won’t be disappointed.
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